Project 3 Lab Demo Checkoff Script

Project 3 Lab Demo Checkoff Script

Project 3 Demos will be conducted asynchronously. By asynchronous, we mean that an instructor will pull your partner repository and go through the below checkoff list to grade your project submission. We’ll have an optional showcase near the end of the semester with the ability for other students to play your game if you feel as though you’ve built something you want to share with your classmates!

With the nature of asynchronous demos, we will have you and your partner fill out a form in which you will detail all of your ambition features as well as clear and concise instructions on how to use these features. Be very specific here, as if you aren’t specific enough a TA might not be able to use your feature and mistakenly not give you those points. We will provide a way for you to request a regrade, but we recommend that you get it right the first time to avoid the trouble. It’s also of utmost importance that your code uses only libraries in java.* and the skeleton’s library-sp21 folder. If your code uses additional libraries, then the instructor will not be able to compile nor run your code and you will receive a 0 on the checkoff. The majority of the points are in the checkoff (1240 out of 1600), so please make sure you’ve only used those libraries.

The following is what the instructor will exactly do when checking you off asynchronously: we recommend you do a dry-run of this to ensure you didn’t miss anything. You can clone your repository in some random destination on your computer (like your home directory) if you want to follow along and simulate your checkoff.

Basic World Functionality (572 points total)

Randomness (308 points total)

Ambition Points (360 points max)

Getting a Second Opinion

When we give you back your grades and did not agree with your score, you can submit a regrade request with evidence that you were misgraded, and the instructor will relook at your project. Details will be released as we approach the deadline.